Creative Integrationist


Research & Intelligence


Multiple Stakeholders




Desired End Result

Once, being a jack-of-all-trades was seen as limited. Now, this diverse expertise is being valued—integrationists are built for these dynamic times. I’m proud to call myself one.

Understanding how to bring the intuitive into the material world, navigate the gatekeepers of discourse and egos, and have it resonate is a skill that is only learned through doing it—the wisdom of years of creative iteration.

Infinitely curious to learn ‘the new,’ my career has taken me through many roles in many industries: restaurant, head-hunting manufacturing, real estate, construction, digital and animation. My work in advertising galvanized my integrationist status. Branding, strategy, graphic design, copy and name creation, photography, video and television, web, e-commerce, both media – traditional and social, etc., for clients in almost every industry and every sector in both English and French Canada and the US.

Now, I use my expertise to problem-solve and build out creative solutions to help untangle clients’ most pressing challenges and assemble successful solutions.

Some Clients